
Biocide News

This page contains details of recent regulatory decisions
and general news relating to the regulation of biocide
products.In the News section you will find the last news
about biocides, including information on IRO new services
and press releases.

What Is The Definition of Biocides?

Biocides are a substance that destroys or inhibits the growth or activity of living organisms. Such as an algicide or fungicide.

Biocides are mainly divided into agricultural biocides and industrial biocides.

Different types of biocides, they work in different ways. Faced with a wide variety of various biocides, you must need a good helper. This article will be the best biocides guideline in 2025.

Content Table

Agricultural Biocides

Agricultural biocides are used to control plant diseases caused by a variety of pathogenic microorganisms in a class of pesticides. Generally refers to fungicides. However, internationally, it is usually used as a general term for agents to control various types of pathogenic microorganisms.


According to the investigation, there are over 80,000 species of pathogenic microorganisms (fungi, strong bacteria, rickettsia, mycoplasma, viruses, algae, etc.) that are harmful to plants around the world.

Plant disease is a huge loss to agriculture, and crops around the world reduce their output by an average of about 500 mt per year. There have been many times in history when a plant disease epidemic caused severe famine, and even a large number of people starved to death. The use of biocides is an economical and effective method to control plant diseases.

Agricultural fungicides are very common in agricultural production. The scientific and rational use of agricultural fungicides, crop protection, promote the growth of the role. There are many types of agricultural biocides in the market.

Agricultural fungicides classification

I. Classified by the way of use

1. Protective fungicides

These fungicides are to inhibit the germination of pathogenic spores or kill the germinated pathogenic spores to protect plants from them. Such as copper sulfate, green emulsified copper, manganese zinc, Bordeaux liquid, zinc dextran, chlorothalonil, etc.

2. Therapeutic fungicides

These fungicides penetrate from the plant epidermis into the plant tissue. After infusion, diffusion, or production of metabolites to kill or inhibit the pathogen and restore plant health. Such as carbendazim, methyltobutoxin, chlortetracycline, etc.

3. Eradicative Fungicides

These fungicides can directly kill the pathogens that have invaded the plants. Such as sodium pentachlorophenol, arsenic fumarate, rock-sulfur compound, etc.

II. Classified by delivery characteristics.

1. Endosmosis fungicides

These fungicides can be absorbed by plant leaves, stems, roots and seeds into the plant. They have therapeutic and protective effects. Such as carbendazim, methomyl, diquat, powder rust, copper methomyl, alumicide, Rickettsia, multi-mold, fungicide, methomyl, etc.

2. Non-endosorbent fungicides

These fungicides can not be absorbed by the plant and conduction, storage. They can’t control the disease deep inside the plant, but only has a protective effect. Such as grass ash, Bordeaux liquid, manganese zinc, thiram, chlorothalonil, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, multi-fruit, green emulsion copper, surfactant, synergist, sulfur compound, etc.

III. Classified by raw materials of fungicides.

1. Inorganic fungicides

These fungicides mainly prevent and treat diseases of fruit trees and vegetables. Such as copper sulfate, mercury, lime Bordeaux solution, copper hydroxide, sulfur powder, rock-sulfur compound, cuprous oxide, etc.

2. Organic sulfur fungicides

This is a class of organic synthetic fungicides containing sulfur. Such as zinc fumarate, zinc dextran, zinc manganese dextran, ammonium dextran, sodium diquat, fomesan, etc.

3. Organic phosphorus and arsenic fungicides

Such as ethyl phosphorus aluminum, metolachlor, rice fungicide, gramoxone, retort, rice foot green, etc.

4. Replacement of benzene fungicides

These agents are organic fungicides containing benzene ring in the chemical structure. Such as chlorothalonil, difenacoum, metribuzin, pentachloronitrobenzene, etc.

5. Azole fungicides

This type of fungicide will have a certain inhibitory effect on the crop. Such as pink rust nin, carbendazim, oxamyl, benomyl, thiamethoxam, etc.

6. Antimicrobial fungicides

The role of these agents is to inhibit the growth and reproduction of many plant pathogenic bacteria. Such as chlortetracycline, agricultural streptomycin, wellgamycin, multi-mycin, anti-mycin 120, etc.

7. Compound fungicides

Such as methomyl, bifenthrin, anthrax fomes, alum M8, thiophanate-manganese zinc, wide sterilization milk powder, methomyl copper, DT fungicide, etc.

8. Other fungicides

Such as mefenoxam, myclobutanil, Tefluthrin, trimethoprim, Ruiquatoxin, rotten mildew, paracetamol, sterilization Dan, ketamine, formalin, high fat film, mycotoxin, etc.

The above is the classification of common agricultural fungicides. About how to choose agricultural fungicides can be combined with the actual situation of the field and the crop itself.

Industrial Biocides

Industrial biocides are agents used in industry to kill and inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Industrial biocides are large in number and variety, and there are great differences in all aspects.

Industrial biocides classification

I. Classified by chemical structure

1. Inorganic biocides: such as ozone, bleach, and copper sulfate.

2. Organic biocides

2.1 benzimidazole biocides: such as carbendazim, benomyl, TBZ, etc.

2.2 Organic acid biocides: such as propionic acid, dehydrovinegar, sorbic acid, etc.

2.3 Quaternary ammonium salts fungicides: such as new Zeomic, alkyl dimethyl ammonium acetate, etc.

2.4 Vinegar biocides: such as phenol, o-phenol, pair m-cresol, p-nitrophenol, etc.

II. Classified by source

1. Natural biocides: such as fish protein, day flat cypress fermentation, deacetylated chitin, cinnamon oil, etc.

2. Chemical biocides: such as sodium pentaerythritol, formaldehyde, tolbutazone, etc.

III. Classified by the state of existence

1. Gas fungicides: such as ethylene oxide, chlorine, ozone, etc.

2. Liquid fungicides: such as propionic acid, tridane oil, kaison, etc.

3. Solid fungicides: such as sodium benzoate, 8-hydroxyquinoline copper, chlorothalonil, etc.

IV. Classified by application

1. Cosmetic preservatives: such as Brombauer, DMDM acetonitrile urea, phenoxyethanol, etc.

2. Textile antimicrobial agents: such as DC5700, polyaminotrialkylammonium chloride, Satanilon SSN, etc. Production of environmental disinfectants: such as formaldehyde, chlorine dioxide, etc.

3. Leather preservatives: such as ethylnaphthol, A26, p-chloro-m-xylenol, etc.

4. Coating anti-mildew agents: such as tributyltin oxide, Dowicil75, Waco 88, etc.

5. Food preservatives: such as potassium sorbate, ethyl nipagin, etc.

V. Classified by purpose

1. Disinfectant: can kill all pathogenic bacteria and most other microorganisms, residual effect period is generally very short.

2. Mold inhibitor: to inhibit and kill mold, to prevent the protection of mold.

3. Antimicrobial agent: can be combined with the protection of stable objects, can kill most pathogenic bacteria, and the residual effect period is particularly long.

4. Preservative: mainly to inhibit and kill bacteria, to prevent the protection of the object of corruption, and deterioration.

The above is about what is biocide. Thank you for reading. If you have any need for fungicide products, please contact us.